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Inclusion and intersectional representation is a core driver for me, both in my professional life and personal life. ​I researched racism in my degrees through the lens of HipHop and as part of the “Race and Rights” collective in Nottingham and the US. In 2015 I left the academic community to work in entertainment and have used my voice to amplify marginalised communities since. This has never been a discussion, it’s been an action I’ve committed to, from challenging executive boards, to creating inclusive recruitment strategies to adding “intersectional” elements into company documents.  


As brands, content creators and agencies it’s essential that we use our business’ influence to act for change, and this is something I am committed to.​


Founding member of the company's inclusivity board, exploring how to heighten intersectional representation in the business. 


Alongside the managing directors, I created, pitched and implemented Born Social’s first Diversity strategy.


This included exploring new CV screening tools, seminars and workshops.


This included introducing Unconscious Bias training for all those in hiring positions.


Worked with the Global CEO and main operating board to introduce new opportunities to advance our diversity and inclusion initiatives.


This included creating new inclusive structures for creative idea submission, developing an "intro to TV" workshop for smaller cities outside of London and developing the strategy for the company's involvement in International Women's Day.​

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